
Eyes Wide Open

The real film Stanley Kubrick wanted to make, unedited. Kubrick died before Eyes Wide Shut starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise was realeased, producers never released the real , full and more authentic version, the proper and more disturbing EYES WIDE OPEN starring Brutus, one of the smartest dogs living today, in fact producers did anything in their hands to deny the existence of these version. This is a very rare photograph, that has been withheld by the media and Mr. Tom Cruise entourage of lawyers, Mr. Cruise, believes Brutus can overshadow his stardom.( he is probably right)

Tango Masterclass with Brutus

In the film, Brutus plays a very versatile character ( reminding us of Peter Sellers, who has himself declared has been influenced by his pet ) , the famous scene where Tom Cruise evidences the ball, is in fact a scene with an incredible Tango Lesson by Brutus, who plays a both roles that of Kidman and that of Cruise.


Family cat 'eaten by pet python'

Power struggle to take control of household. At this point the strongest pet survived.

As taken by the media-

Our-year-old Wilbur, who lived with his owners in the Brislington area of Bristol, was apparently ambushed by the reptile in a neighbouring garden.

Owners Martin and Helen Wadey said they heard "blood curdling cries" which they knew were being made by their pet.

They said they were unable to prevent Wilbur being eaten alive by the snake, which a neighbour keeps as a pet.

We can't know for certain that it was Wilbur, but it is very, very likely
RSPCA spokeswoman

Mr and Mrs Wadey said Wilbur, who had been microchipped, died on 25 June.

The RSPCA said that all the evidence suggested Wilbur had indeed been swallowed by the snake.

A spokeswoman said: "The snake was scanned and we can confirm that a microchip was found inside. We can't know for certain that it was Wilbur, but it is very, very likely."

An RSPCA inspector issued the snake's owner, Darren Bishop, with a verbal warning about appropriate housing and care requirements.

'Very distressing'

The ordeal prompted Mr Wadey, 44, to set up a campaign appealing for the Dangerous Wild Animals Act to include constrictor snakes.

He said: "We heard this screaming coming from the garden. We knew it was Wilbur, we could recognise his voice.

"It was amplified and like a baby screaming. It was very distressing."

The law currently allows anyone to walk into a pet shop and buy a python without any checks.

The Wadeys are campaigning for any potential owner to require a licence because, Mr Wadey added, many owners underestimate the snake's "wild instincts".

Mr Bishop has been unavailable for comment.

The Economist Obituary to Oldest Fish Benson-Finally some Recognition

PETERBOROUGH, in the English Midlands, is a red-brick town, best known as the midway point on the line between King’s Cross and York. But from the bottom of Kingfisher Lake, just outside it, urban toil seems far away. There, all is most delightful silt and slime. A push of your probing nose sends up puffs and clouds of fine mud through the water. A riff of bubbles rises, silvery, towards the surface. The green reeds quiver, and sunlight ripples down almost to the depths where you are lurking, plump and still.

Such was mostly the life, and such was the address, of Benson, England’s most famous fish. Her actual place of birth, as a wriggling, transparent fry prey to every frog, pike and heron, was never known. But at ten, when she was stocked in Kingfisher, she was already a bruiser. And there, among the willow-shaded banks, she grew. And grew. At her peak weight, in 2006, she was 64lb 2oz (29kg), and was almost circular, like a puffed-up plaice. Bigger carp have been seen in Thailand and in France; but she still amounted to a lot of gefilte fish.

In her glory days she reminded some of Marilyn Monroe, others of Raquel Welch. She was lither than either as she cruised through the water-weed, a lazy twist of gold. Her gleaming scales, said one fan, were as perfect as if they had been painted on. Some wag had named her after a small black hole in her dorsal fin which looked, to him, like a cigarette burn. It was as beautiful and distinctive as a mole on an 18th-century belle. Her lips were full, sultry or sulking, her expression unblinking; she seldom smiled. Yet the reeds held fond memories of her friend Hedges, her companion in slinky swimming until she, or he, was carried away in 1998 by the waters of the River Nene.

Abandoned, she ate more. She devoured everything. Worms, plankton, crayfish, lily roots, disappeared down her toothed, capacious throat. She was a one-fish Hoover, motoring through the food-packed sludge and through rich layers of sedimentary smells. But she was offered daintier and more exotic fare. Cubes of cheese, scraps of luncheon meat, bread crusts, Peperami, dog biscuits and tutti-frutti balls all came down invitingly through the water. She sampled most of them.

Of course, she was not fool enough to think they came from heaven. Carp are cunning, a very fox of the river, as Izaak Walton said. She could see the lines, and at the end of them the trembling shadows of Bert, or Mike, or Stan, spending an idle Sunday away from the wife with a brolly and a can of beer. Often she continued to lurk, roiling the mud to conceal herself and basking in her own scaled beauty, as carp will. On hot days she would rise to the surface, glowing and tantalising, with a lily-leaf shading her like a parasol. She played hard-to-get, or the One That Got Away, nudging the line before drifting down towards the dark serene. But then, just for the hell of it, she would take the bait.

The first hookings hurt like hell, the whole weight of her body tearing her tongue like a razor blade. But over the years she got used to it, and her leathery mouth would seize the bait as a prize. Hauled to the limelight, she was admirably unphased. This was, after all, the homage beauty was owed. She would submit to the scales and then pose for the photographer, unmoving, holding her breath. She had her picture taken with Tony, owner of her lake, who confessed to the Wall Street Journal that he had “quite a rapport” with her; with Ray, who caught her at two in the morning, disturbing her beauty sleep; with Matt, of the shy smile and the woolly hat; with bearded Kyle, for whom she looked especially dark and pouting; and with Steve, who ungallantly told Peterborough Today that she felt like “a sack of potatoes” and was “available to everyone”. She was not, but at least 50 others held her, or gripped her, for a moment or so. Uncomplainingly, she nestled in their arms before she was lowered to her element again.

These men had a knowledgeable air about them. They might have been a secret society, meeting at odd hours in hidden nooks around the lake. Each had his spot for anoracked meditation. When they spoke, it was of wagglers and clips, spods and backbiters, size 14s and number 8 elastic. Dates and weights were bandied about, an arcane code. For a while, Benson imbibed the philosophy of a gaudier and more complex sphere, heard the tinny music of their radios and stared into the dazzle of the day. There was much that she herself might have imparted, of the mystery of reflected and inverted things. But her anglers needed to get home to the football and their tea.
The fatal nut

Greed probably undid her in the end. She was said to have taken a bait of uncooked tiger nuts, which swelled inside her until she floated upwards. Telltale empty paper bags were found on the bank of the river. Or she may have been pregnant, with 300,000 eggs causing complications, or stressed after so much catching and releasing, those constant brushes with extinction. On the line between life and death, at Kingfisher Lake, she breathed the fatal air and did not sink again. And there she lay, like Wisdom drawn up from the deep: as golden, and as quiet.

The Real founder of Surf Culture as denied by the Media


The real first outer space visitors



Pets appropiating appliances

Pup swallowed 10-inch toy arrow
X-ray of the arrow
Vets said the plastic arrow could have killed Betty

A puppy has survived after swallowing a toy arrow almost as long as herself.

Betty, a Staffordshire bull terrier, had surgery to remove the 10.5in (27cm) stick which was lodged in her intestine.

Her owner Emma Watson, 38, of Swanley, Kent, believes she ate the item when she found her way into her nine-year-old daughter's playhouse in May.

She took the puppy to PDSA PetAid hospital in Thamesmead when the dog became ill and went off her food.

Miss Watson said: "Betty started to vomit and wasn't eating or drinking, which is totally unlike her.

The arrow was so long it virtually ran through Betty's body but it also explained why she was so ill
Chris Pollard

"Normally she is very boisterous and playful but she was very quiet and didn't want to be around anyone, not even my daughter Lilly Jay."

Vets discovered the plastic arrow was lodged in the three-month-old puppy's intestine following an X-ray at the PDSA hospital.

Veterinary surgeon Chris Pollard said: "The X-rays were surprising to say the least. The arrow was so long it virtually ran through Betty's body but it also explained why she was so ill.

Lilly Jay with Betty
Betty tried to swallow the TV remote control after returning home

"The main concern was the length of the arrow and where it ended - in the small intestine.

"This could have penetrated the stomach wall and proved fatal.

"We had to operate immediately."

He added: "The operation proved incredibly intricate as Betty was so young and her internal organs were still not yet fully developed.

"Considering Betty's size as a puppy, it really is amazing that she managed to swallow a ten-and-a-half-inch-long arrow."

Miss Watson added: "I simply can't believe what Betty did. She was so small and the arrow so long. I'm amazed that it was physically possible for her to swallow it.

"She doesn't appear to have learnt her lesson because as soon as she got home she tried to eat the TV remote control so we're keeping a very close eye on her now to prevent anything like this from happening again."

This is not incidental , pets know more their owners, nothing that pets will do or eat is ever accidental, further studies are needed to question the ulterior motives to understand why the pet wanted to conceal the toy, even at the point of using his own body.
Pets will do anything to protect their beliefs, or incriminating evidence. That is what makes them masters of their field.

taken from bbc. website.


Never be fooled by the cuteness of pets

Pets will take advantage of their cuteness to manipulate owners and get what they want. In this photo Sophie is already drafting her elaborate control plan to take over Honduras. New evidence has pointed Sophie as one of the key collaborators and intellectual authors of the current crisis.


Casper The Commuter Cat

A cat has become such a well-known user of a Devon bus service that its drivers know where to let him off.

Casper has been queuing with other passengers to get the number three service from his home in Plymouth for months, bus company First said.

It added that he often sat in the queue and then quietly padded on board and curled up on a seat for the ride.

Casper's owner Susan Finden, 55, who picked him from a rescue home in 2002, said he had always been a free spirit.

Mrs Finden said she named her pet after Casper the Friendly Ghost, as he has a habit of wandering off.

I don't know what the attraction is but he loves big vehicles like lorries and buses
Owner Susan Finden

A spokesman for First said that drivers had been bussing Casper around for months, but Mrs Finden said she had only just found out about his use of public transport.

The care worker said: "He'd always go off and have a wander.

"Once I had to walk a mile-and-a-half with a cat basket to bring him back from a car park.

"He does love people, and I don't know what the attraction is but he loves big vehicles like lorries and buses."

A notice has been put up by First in the bus drivers' rest room in Plymouth bus station asking them to look after the rogue passenger if they spot him sneaking on board.

from BBC News http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8176862.stm

Obviously what the the bus company nor news agencies know is that the cat is controlling the bus journey. Dictating where the bus goes.

Pet's Honeymoon in the Dordogne


Pets Anonymous

A patient, a very odd fish indeed, sent me this photo. This shows the inverse pattern of what we have seen below, this shows the dog mimicking his owners behavior. His owner , obviously suffering from sever alcoholism, has forgotten to cultivate and nurture , and to serve as a slave of his pet. Hence bringing the pet to his own fall and addiction. This is a very sad image. Keep your habits and lifestyle healthy not for you own sake but for your pets. My patient will probably not recover, humans are weak and incapable of handling addiction, however I am glad to say the pet Marlon is full recovery now , and a new owner has now been assigned.


Pet's Identity and Alter Ego

Identification of pet's doppelganger or alter ego. A doppelganger is a sinister form of bilocation. It is known in certain cultures that some lions will disguise as mexican dogs to devour the pet's owner, or just because they cant be bothered to hunt. Clever beings again using humans as slaves.

Preparing your Pet for a Day Out

Pets Skin Cancer Prevention

Always remember to keep your pet protected from the sun, if necessary carry and umbrella and carry it around, and hold it when your pet needs a rest.


Editting with Cat

One of my patient/fans wrote me "cat Basil helping me to edit. I decided to work with him because I find his aesthetic sense and knowledge of the history of cinema to be greater than most editors I have worked with." In the surface this picture depicts a "cute kitten" on a keyboard, one should always be careful of such called "cute" pets. I think the problem with my patient, is he has lost his role as mediator, by allowing the pet to take control of the keyboard, it is important that the mediator performs, and in this image , the mediator is no longer there, worse of all , my patient suffers from denial, he thinks the cat is helping him edit, when in fact the cat has taken full control of the situation. I do have to say I full agree that the cat has a greater aesthetic sense and cinematic knowledge definitely much more than my patient. Will keep you posted on patient's and cat's film progress. Think they were working on series called The Mind of the Assassin, episode one Bambi.


Fly preparation for the Olympics of 1910

Symbolic Pets

Pets that we dream off, or dream pets, pets with hidden meaning, pets as symbols, pets that control our minds, pets that are apparently meaningless. Buñuel was asked a couple of times the meaning of the chickens in his film? One wonders if it was but the chickens that wanted to be in that film, one of those unsolved mysteries in cinema.


Relaxing Lori after Online Shopping

Its important to alleviate your pet's stress from their hard-working and complex daily activities.


Epiphanies From Great Thinkers

All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers is contained in a dog.
(Franz Kafka circa 1905)


Superhero Pets

RULE 2: Never Patronize your Pets

Never ridiculize your pet assuming he looks cute in superhero outfit. Pets don't have super hero abilities, and humans have proven how inferior they are to their pets, by making them wear silly super hero outfits that they buy for $3.99 in WalMart. Pets should dress elegantly according to their status. Superhero outfits underestimate your pet and his intellect, and could damage his self esteem if done regularly. You think you are laughing at your pet, but your pet is laughing at you.

Its fine to dress up your kids as superheroes, and ridicule them. That is what they are for. For your own personal entertainment, but please don't underestimate your pets.

The truth behind our pets

Cat control. The truth of the Whitehouse. Who is really behind the Whitehouse?
The mastermind behind the dogs. One of the best kept secrets in world politics.

One of my patients, a very prominent man from France, sent to me an urgent email this morning, saying that he had seen his dog Altair ultimately assuming all the decisions in the house. This pattern it typical once we understand our secondary role in the lives of pets. This is what he writes " ok... original book has gone. I think into the secret dog library. so we found a better one... altair reads it before going to bed usually. some form of empowerment obviously, but we are only humans, so how would we understand? " After years of trying to subdue the dog ( this is the ultimate mistaken human fantasy) my patient finally understood that that is not his role in life. After finally gaining this understanding, my patient realizes that not only the dog must decide, but that his life is only significant as far as it is useful for the dog. In the next entries we will be seeing how this phenomena is seen across pets, even bizarre choices of pets. Ever heard how brilliant pigs are ? or how manipulative parrots can be? or how wise turtles are? this is all but the truths in the fascinating world of pets, people and appliances.

Not All The Presidents Pets

I just thought I would bring these photos out from the archives to illustrate the importance of pets in modern American politics. I don't want to say to much as the photos themselves speak volumes. All I want is to give them a bit of context so you can grasp the importance of pets in society and more importantly there critical role in history.

In the first photo you can see the 44th President of America Barack Obama running to the oval office accompanied by his dog. This photo was taken just after North Korea launched its long range rocket. Baracks meeting with the United Nations Security Council was delayed as Barack's wife, Michele had taken the dog for a walk and couldn't not be found.

The horse with Kennedy was brought in specially to deal with the cuban missile crisis in October 1962 after JFK's other pet couldn't handle the pressure of negotiating with the Russians (dolphins are notoriously bad negotiators). Ironically this horse went by the name of Trotsky.

In the final photo we can see Geroge W's dog licking his lips with anticipation as they arrive at camp david to start peace talks between Israel and Palestine.


The problem with Pet Fitness

The video above shows the aberration known as Pet Fitness. As an animal therapist, I think the video is a serious threat to our otherwise harmonious relationship of pet and owner. In this video the person is no longer a mediator, but a trainer, a condition which not only stresses the pet, but underestimates the pet's intellectual mind. Pet's should cultivate their mind with the mediator's help, and cant waste time in superfluous task and activities, such as body culture, or frisbee. If you want to destroy your pet's critical mind throw him a ball or make your pet perform aerobics.

Checking blog with dog

In this example once again the individual is a mediator for the pet's global relationships. It transcends the appliance, and the appliance is another mediator for the pet's bigger purposes and goals. It is important to keep your pet connected to the global market and to other pets worldwide. Here they (well pet is checking human is merely providing the mechanism) are checking this blog.

Investigating the influence of swine flu on the behaviour of pets: Enrique villaseñor and Family.

This is a very interesting example of people mimicking actions of their pets. The pets having a more sophisticated mind set, decided to take appropriate measures against the swine flu epidemic in Mexico City, so the owner follow up. This is no longer people as mediator, but pet as controller of our lives, which happens after people start adopting pet's behaviour. Please take a careful note at the cat's defiant stare. It's also worth mentioning that in situations of local/global catastrophes a pet will always take charge of situation. It will make all the important decisions in attempting to deal with the threat to the planet. Why else do you think presidents always have pets?

Flavio: The Ultimate Appliance Sentinel

To the ignorant eye, Flavio is a cute dog sitting in a chair, which he learnt from his owner. However, a closer look will reveal, that Flavio is guarding the kitchen, most specifically the fridge. Flavio was not told to guard the fridge, Flavio understands the weak nature of the owner, his gluttony and his tendency to become obese. The dog then decides to guard the fridge, and was in no way commanded to do so. Flavio is not performing any physical activity that is too strenuous, he is sitting and thinking.... and at the same time protecting his owner of his own self destruction. This is what is known as a pet's critical mind for appliances.


Dog attempting to clean

RULE NUMBER 1: A pet can never attempt a task single handedly.

A pet always needs a person as a mediator. Without a mediator a pet wont be able to perform any task in and around the house. A pet understands a task and can inform a person how to perform tasks, but will never be able to perform tasks. It is important to remember that a pet should be kept without stress or strain of performing the task. Your pet should always remain strain and stress-free, this ensures your pet's longevity.

Slice the Kamaboko diagonally

Pets, People and Appliances is blog inspired by the great show Cooking with dog, hosted by Francis the dog. The importance of this video is fundamentally that Francis is the intellectual author of such recipes, whereas the japanese woman just provides the physical work. This is a very important learning in our everyday activities. Our pets not only sit around, and look, they really look, Francis is not only an exemplary pet, but fundamental for the cooking in the show. That is the show does not exist without Francis. Francis is the show. In this blog, and through my experience as a pet therapist, I have learned to understand that the role of the owner or individual is merely a mediator, in the bigger relationship between appliance and pet. For the blind eye, Francis doesn't seem to do much, but a careful look at the video shows that Francis orchestrates the cooking. The woman is but a mediator in the show. This is a relationship we will be exploring in the blog more carefully as well as the problem with the concept of PET Do it yourself, or pet activities. We will also be taking a closer look at Mariko's Takashi Fitness Video and how this presents a problem in our relationship with pets, and our roles as mediators